Friday 19 January 2024


 IKIGAI - Pursuing one's Ikigai is a journey of self-discovery that involves understanding one's passions, strengths and the needs of the world.

Ikigai - is a Japanese concept that refers to a sense of purpose and meaning in life. It is a combination of two words: "iki", which means "life," and "gai", which translates to "value" or "worth." Together, ikigai can be loosely translated as "the reason for being" or "the reason to live."

The concept of ikigai centers around finding and pursuing a balance between four fundamental elements:

  1. Passion (Your Love): This is what you love to do, what brings you joy, and what excites you. It's the activity that makes you feel fulfilled and energized.
  2. Mission (Your Mission): This is what the world needs, something that you feel is your duty or calling to contribute to society or others in some way.
  3. Vocation (Your Profession): This refers to what you are good at, your skills, and what you can get paid for.
  4. Profession (Your Vocation): This represents what the world will pay you for; it's your means of making a living.

(A) Passion: Finding what you love to do

  • What activities have brought you joy since childhood?
  • Which tasks make you lose track of time because you’re so engrossed?

(B) Vocation: Finding what you’re good at

  • What are your natural talents and strengths?
  • What do people often turn to you for because you excel at it?

(C) Mission: Defining what the world needs

  • What societal issues or causes deeply affect you?
  • What matters to you on a global or local scale?

(D) Profession: Defining what you can do as a profession

  • Can you offer valuable services or create products people would want?
  • Is there a job you excel at that could easily become your profession?

When these four elements intersect, it is said that you have found your ikigai – that special convergence of passion, mission, vocation, and profession. Discovering and living in alignment with your ikigai can lead to a sense of fulfilment, happiness, and overall well-being.

The concept of ikigai has gained popularity beyond Japan and has been embraced by people seeking a deeper understanding of their life's purpose and seeking more meaning in their daily existence. It encourages individuals to reflect on their values, interests, skills, and the impact they want to have on the world to find a path that aligns with their true calling.

Practically speaking after finding our IKIGAI many of us will not choose or afraid of choosing due to various social commitments, peer pressure, family obligations. It's natural to be afraid but at least we should be aware of this. If life gives us a chance of what we can do we must pursue  IKIGAI for a sustainable happiness. We must have a target in mind, things which we will aspire to, let’s began the journey by knowing and answering the tough question!


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