Showing posts with label #thought. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #thought. Show all posts

Monday, 27 March 2023

The Creative Powers of Thought


Thought creates the world.

Thought brings things into existence.

Thoughts can develop desires and excite the passions. Opposite thoughts of those desires and passions will counteract the idea of satisfying those desires. So, when a person understands this, they will create an opposite thought to help destroy desires and passions.

Think of a person as a good friend of yours and that thought will create itself as a reality. Think of that person as your foe, then also the mind perfects that thought into an actuality.

Neutralize the hostile forces or antagonistic currents with positive thought.

A person who knows the workings of the mind, and controls it by practice, is happy.

~ From the book Thought Power by Swami Sivananda

Impermanence - Nothing is Permanent

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